Archived Reports
The mission of is to maintain a worldwide network of resources to aid mariners that are missing or overdue; have a boat stolen; or to whom urgent messages need to be relayed.
2008 International Boat Watch Incident History
Incidents, shown in descending order begin here 10/26/2008 S/V Suli Overdue Cape Town SA CLOSED: ...
2007 International Boat Watch Incident History
Incidents, shown in descending order begin here: 12/27/2007 S/V Alchemy Overdue CAPE VERDE...
2006 International Boat Watch Incident History
Incidents, shown in descending order begin here 12/21/2006 S/V Horizon Overdue Caracou to SanBlas...
2005 International Boat Watch Incident History
Incidents, shown in descending order begin here 11/07/2005 S/V True Companions Overdue north coast...
2004 International Boat Watch Incident History
12/16/2004 S/V KIWIIn San Blas Islands for Urgent H&W msg. CLOSED: Contacted and phoned home...
2003 International Boat Watch Incident History
11/23/03 S/V Welsh Dragon Overdue Florida to Holland with 2 POB. CLOSED: Search given up...
2002 International Boat Watch Incident History
10/31/02 S/V Suez Fiji to New Zealand, Health and Welfare message. CLOSED: Contacted 11/02/2002...