Drifting Red SV Alegria of Cowes Martinique
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets MRCC Fort de France is searching for SV Alegria of Cowes, a red sailboat drifting from Martinique since Dec. 30, 2022 at 1 PM. It is a cutter rig with blue mainsail sheets and could be within a 50...
SV Tupenny LANGKAWI, Malaysia to Koh Kradan, Thailand in the Malaca Straits
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets It has been reported that SV Tupenny on passage from LANGKAWI, Malaysia to Koh Kradan, Thailand in the Malaca Straits may be in need of assistance. The crew is exhausted with a failed engine and...
Fisherman Overboard Cape Sable Island Nova Scotia
UPDATE Dec. 28, 2022 UPDATE: SEARCH SUSPENDED FOR FISHERMAN LOST AT SEA. Yesterday December 26th 2022, the Lobster industry lost one of their own. Christian Lee Atwood aged 27 years was lost over-aft of the MV Little Weasel II at about 8:15 am, while lobstering off...
BOLO: SV Mesh Key West to Cayman
UPDATE: December 25, 2022 at 11 AM Amateur Radio Operator in Cayman reports SV Mesh is 3 to 4 hours out from Cayman and all is well on board. SV Mesh is currently using his engine. Coast Guard Cayman is monitoring. RCC Miami advised. Bolo Canceled. Broadcast Version...
Four Lobster Fishermen Missing off Isla Mujeres
UPDATE: Dec. 13, 2022 11:00 AM – Boat Watch members have reported that all fishermen have been accounted for. Authorities are now investigating the case as a crime at sea. Bolo canceled. Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets UPDATE...SV STIGHER Dismasted Atlantic
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets MRCC Fort de France issued a Safety Message on December 11, 2022 for SV STIGHER with four persons on board dismasted at: 18-23.00N 050-19.00W Vessels in vicinity are requested to keep a sharp lookout...
BOLO for SV ATREVIDA II Cape May to Marathon
MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Coast Guard, survivors from sailboat Atrevida II available to speak with media WHO: Coast Guard personnel, crew of the Atrevida II, and family WHAT: Speaking with media about rescue efforts for overdue vessel WHEN: Wednesday at 7 p.m. WHERE: Coast...
SV Watoosh Assisted by USCG San Juan
On December 7, 2022, USCG Cutter Doyle assisted SV Watoosh with diesel fuel and is escorting the SV to Salinas, Puerto Rico. SV Watoosh with Lonnie and Rita aboard was on passage from Curacao to Puerto Rico. They left Curacao on December 1, 2022. They are OK at this...