Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
UPDATE 1300 EST 13MAR2021:
The last ping from the EPIRB according to the Mexican Navy at 0200 hrs EST 12 MAR 2021 approximately 155 NM North of Isla Mujares, Mx. The Mexican Navy is attempting a salvage operation today, Saturday 13 MAR 21. 3 Crew were rescued from SV Barnacle by a Cargo Ship March 9, 2021 in the Yucatan Channel between Cuba and Mexico.
SV Barnacle is a 46 foot Fisher motorsailor, blue hull, registered in Mobile Alabama.
All vessels in the Yucatan Channel should keep a sharp lookout for the S/V BARNACLE and report any sightings to the United States Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center, Miami, FL at telephone number 305-415-6800 or the Mexican Navy.

The S/V BARNACLE, a 46′ Fisher motorsailor, blue hull, registered in Mobile, AL declared a mayday on Tuesday, 09 MAR 2021 in position 21-41.42N / 085-31.37W in the Yucatan Channel between Cuba and Mexico.
The vessel was enroute North from the Rio Dulce when it began taking on water which their bilge pump could not keep up with. At the point when the engine and transmission were submerged they issued a MAYDAY on their VHF radio which was received by the tanker CHEMSTAR STELLAR who responded to their position and took all five (5) persons on board onto their ship.

The S/V BARNACLE was left adrift, and as of 0630 EST, 10 MAR 2021, the EPIRB from the vessel was still active. The last known position of the EPIRB was 22-00.9N / 085-53.6W.
It is not known whether the vessel sank, or the EPIRB is free floating.
All vessels in the Yucatan Channel should keep a sharp lookout for the S/V BARNACLE and report any sightings to the United States Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center, Miami, FL at telephone number 305-415-6800.