Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
Urgent BOLO for SV “ARIANE” on passage from Sicily, via Greece to Bulgaria
SV “ARIANE” has a solo captain, Barney Brogan, 45 years of age and a British citizen. SV “ARIANE” is a 1984, 35 foot Van De Stadt sloop, dark navy steel hull, red bimini with a red rub rail and registered in Britain. SV “ARIANE” has a life raft on board the vessel.
The last known position and contact was on September 16, 2021, at 36°24’56.8″N 22°31’26.8″E off the coast of Greece.
Report any sightings or further information to the nearest Coast Guard.

SV ARIANE has a solo captain is Barney Brogan, 45 years of age and a British citizen. SV ARIANE is a 1984, 35 foot Van De Stadt sloop, dark navy steel hull, red bimini with a red rub rail and registered in Britain. SV ARIANE has a life raft on board the vessel. The boat has ARIANE and a registration number on the stern of SSR174006.

SV ARIANE left on September 11, 2021, from Sant Agata di Militello, Sicily on passage to Tortuga Marina, Varna, Bulgaria. His intention was to cross the Laconian Gulf and intended to stop for fuel.
The last known position and contact was on September 16, 2021, at 36°24’56.8″N 22°31’26.8″E off the coast of Greece. He was using a mobile phone with a SIM of 359-87-705-7119. The night before he went missing, Captain Brogan told his friend that he “hove to” get some sleep as he could not anchor. The weather was good during his last communications.
Report any sightings or further information to the nearest Coast Guard and to