Re MV Countess Cosel & Bernie Huensch
We regret to inform everyone that sadly Bernie was found today March 26, 2022, at around noon deceased on his boat at Cargill Creek, Andros Island Bahamas. The boat was still running.
The family and his attorney have been notified. The Royal Bahamian Defense Force (242-325-8864)is the lead agency handling the case.
He did have a cat named Henry on the boat. It is unknown if Henry was found.
May he rest in peace.
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
Urgent Bolo for MV “Countess Cosel” with solo Skipper Bernhard R. Huensch, aka,Bernie, 80 years old, on aboard. His Amateur Radio call sign is KCOZVS. He was last seen passing Harvey Point, Staniel Cay Exuma at 2 PM March 24, 2022.
His plans were to turn into Big Majors anchorage but passed it on a 320 course and did not respond to radio calls or waves. He was observed in his chair on the flybridge. Cruisers are worried he has a health issue. He does have Air Ambulance Emergency Service.
UPDATE: As of March 26, 2022, RCC Miami will be assisting the Royal Bahamian Defense Force with air support. All boats in the Bahamas in the area from Staniel Cay, Exumas are requested to keep a sharp lookout and report any sightings to local authorities, Royal Bahamian Defense Force, BASRA, or RCC Miami USCG or

Cruisers in the Bahamas are searching for MV Countess Coselle, with solo skipper “Bernie” from Pipe Creek north.
The following is from cruisers in the Bahamas:
Possible MAYDAY
Exumas. Bahamas – Pipe Creek & North
Please be on lookout.
Solo Skipper may be in distress
Update: 1630hrs 4:30 pm. Search ongoing
No sighting
Likely times passing these locations.
Cistern cay 5
Elbow cay 6 pm
Norman’s 7 pm
New providence midnight
Today, March 24 Exumas Bahamas
Vicinity Pipe Creek and north.