UPDATE: October 14, 2019 – Good News from the South Pacific
The Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Papeete has confirmed that SV MARISA is safe in Fakarava lagoon since approximately October 13, 2019. A big thank you to SV Jacaranda, Chuck and Linda and other cruisers for the update.
UPDATE: They have been located, (spotted 9/27 in uninhabited Tahanea, which has no cell towers) according to the Association des Voiliers en Polynesie, as shared in the French Poly Cruisers FB Group. Can anyone confirm this?
Noonsite has brought to our attention a Boat Watch from the Association des Voiliers en Polynesie regarding S/V Spirit of Marisa. This is the alert from the rescue center.
Bertha Sanchez and Benoit are sailing on the Spirit Of Marisa on the Tuamotus in Polynesia and have not given any sign of life since 17/09/2019 and their departure from Katiu to Fakarava.If you have seen them after that date or know where they are, please contact JRCC or call 16 by phone or VHF
Please share this call with whoever could locate them to hear from them.
Anyone with any information regarding this S/V Spirit of Marisa is urged to contact Boat Watch at Glenn@boatwatch.org and provide the information. It will be furnished to the proper authorities at JRCC Tahiti.