UPDATE 0900 hrs Eastern Time 12 April 2022
JRCC Honolulu advised the SV SHYSKA has made repairs to their rudder and are now underway to Hawaii with a USCG escort.
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
SV “SHYSKA”, white hull, with four persons on board is disabled and adrift at 22-08.07N and 153-08.45W on April 10, 2022.
JRCC Honolulu has flown a C-130 aircraft over them and has sent a USCG Cutter to evaluate the situation.
Vessels in the vicinity are requested to keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and report any sightings to the USCG Honolulu.
UPDATE 0730 hrs Eastern Time, 10 April 2022:
JRCC Honolulu advised this is an ongoing situation with 10 foot seas. They flew a C-130 aircraft over them, and are dispatching a USCG Cutter to their location to evaluate the need for a tow or abandon ship depending on weather.