Thank you to the bulk carrier, Sakizaya Youth, USCG and the Argentine Navy for the rescue of SV Shipyard Brewing
Captain Ronnie Simpson has been safely rescued. The inspiring sailor, a former wounded Marine, is now aboard the 750 foot tanker. A summary is at:…/marine-vet-ronnie-simpson-rescued…/

Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks
SV Shipyard Brewing Dismasted ESE Buenos Aires at
39-16.00S 043-00.00W
At approximately 02:00 UTC, February 12, 2024, Ronnie Simpson was dismasted on SV Shipyard Brewing, 50 feet, white hull, with blue trim and one person on board.
Ronnie is fine and not injured, but wind and waves make the situation quite critical.
SV is located approximately 650 nautical miles east-southeast of Buenos Aires. Ronnie is in contact with the coast guard. He activated one of his EPIRBs. He had been sailing east for days to get away from the worst of a storm that is expected to hit him in 24-36 hours.
Keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and make reports to USCG ATLANTIC, PHONE: 757 398 6700,