RCC Miami canceled Bolo after successful communication with SV.
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SV Rhapsode Overdue San Juan to Lake Worth
UPDATE: June 10, 2024 2:24 Eastern
A SPOT POSITION was just received from the vessel located at: 22°55’28.9″N 78°13’35.7″W (See Photo below) RCC Miami has a plane coming to the location to communicate with the vessel.
RCC Miami and the family request help in locating SV Rhapsode with solo Captain Leonard C. Rorke, British citizen, age 64 on board 38 foot Nicholson sailboat with blue hull. His last known position by SPOT was on June 8, 2024 was west of Great Inagua, Bahamas at 22:05:14 N and 76:35:40W bearing 289.6 at 3.7KN.
SV Rhapsode left San Juan on May 29, 2024. His MMSI number is 235065465. The boat is equipped with VHF, SPOT, EPIRB, AIS-Class B, PLB, SAT navigation and a 4 person life raft.
Please keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and report any sightings to RCC Miami.