Anyone with information on the sailing vessel ISHI should contact the JRCC Honolulu at or 808 535-3333.
Donald Lang and ‘Ishi’ Return to Port Safely After 348 Days at Sea
After the Coast Guard issued a BOLO in March for Ishi and Donald Lang, the 55-ft sailboat and her captain have checked in — apparently in the Hawaiian Islands — and are safe and sound. In fact, Don Lang’s cup seems to be overflowing.
“Just arrived 348 days non stop; about 16,000 miles,” Lang wrote on TikTok. After we shared the Coast Guard’s concerns about Ishi and published a ‘Lectronic Latitude in March where some readers weren’t shy to comment from their armchairs about the apparent condition of Ishi — including wondering if she had a list — Lang himself commented on that story three days ago:
“Thanks for the heartfelt concern. I was fine, and everyone knew I packed for a year offshore. And they knew not to worry unless a year’s gone by. I love it at sea and it’s where I like to be.”
On TikTok, Lang was a bit more pointed: “Who’s the asshole that reported me missing? Can’t an old salt get some peace and quiet?”

Continuing Lang’s comments on this website, “In regards to the listing comments: Experienced sailors should have known by the shape of the sail she was in the middle of a heavy-swell-induced roll in light air while leaving the channel,” Lang said, referring to the photo above. “The first picture taken at the same departure should have also clued you into that … no list,” Lang added, referring to the photo below.

“Ishi is a working girl and not a dock queen, so yes she may not look like a shiny new penny, but she is solid and struts through the gales. She just completed a non-stop voyage, and it was magnificent,” Lang said.
Here’s a sampling of some of the unsolicited concerns and skepticism about Ishi:
“That boat is not something I would put up against the Pacific or any other ocean.” “Looks like it needed a bottom job. The whole boat looks to be in bad shape. A lot of clutter and some shady looking repairs. I sincerely hope they are OK. I wouldn’t take into the open Gulf of Mexico much less the Pacific Ocean.”
“Could it be possible due to the shape the boat is in (not good) that they stopped somewhere for repairs? Could be limited on funds to complete repairs and stuck somewhere without any knowledge that people are looking for them.” “That boat is ill-prepared. Look at the barnacles on the hull. Poor maintenance along with the acquired junk on the boat make a real big safety issue. Sailing among the local islands is about all this boat should be doing. Major ocean crossings will consume that vessel for sure.”
Meanwhile, Lang appeared to be having the sail of his life, staying out of port for financial reasons as much as his pure love of being at sea.
“[I] was trying for a year, but needed repairs after several gales beat me up,” Lang wrote on TikTok. “My mind is so calm and clear; out here [is] where I belong. Caught over 300 fish and swung in my hammock under a sunshade. No bills, no bad news, just nature. Slowed the boat to three knots and the schools of fish stay with me for weeks at that speed.
“With ports wanting an average of $1,500 each time you pull in, I’ve been enjoying stretching my cruising dollars at sea. Wanted to visit Midway as I passed, but it was $500 to enter and a whopping $220 a day to moor my boat, so I sailed by.
“Would like to refit and try nonstop south around the world via the three capes next. Ishi is [an] amazing sea boat. Rock solid and struts through the gales. So much room below the floors to stow canned goods and get the weight down low. Need to redesign the water tanks so I don’t start the voyage with slight list or start on a starboard tack for a month. LOL,” Lang said, apparently poking fun at the list comments.
“Everyone [knew] I had a year’s supply of food and water and carry every tool imaginable and loads of spare parts to jury rig stuff. I’m a boatbuilder and can fix anything on a boat ffs. [For F*@k’s Sake.] The main reason I like extended sails is there’s so damn much media noise in the world these days, it’s hard to get some real quiet time anymore. I highly recommend it, the calm seas, a billion stars in the night sky, and the cleanest air you’ve ever breathed.
“Wish I took more books though, only had one: The Water in Between by Kevin Patterson. [Lang is featured in the book.] I highly recommend it. ;)”
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks
A Bolo for SV Ishi, 55 feet, white hull with possibly two adults and two children on board is currently unreported. They departed on October 3, 2022, from the Ala Wai on Oahu possibly to sail to Maui and then to Pacific NW. The Captain is Donald Lang, a Canadian citizen. He discussed sailing to the NW Hawaiian Islands, Tahiti, Fiji, the Philippines, Panama, Pacific Northwest (USA), and Canada.
Vessels in the vicinity are requested to keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and report to JRCC Honolulu.
US Coast Guard Looking for Missing Sailboat, the 55-ft Sloop ‘Ishi’
Latitude 38 received a request from the US Coast Guard in Hawaii in search of a boat in the Pacific. The information below is provided by Search and Rescue Duty Officer Michael Cobb.
“The Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu is attempting to locate the 55FT S/V Ishi (HA-5665-G), possibly with four people on board, currently unreported in the Pacific. The background information we have is that on 03 October 2022 the S/V departed the Ala Wai on Oahu possibly to sail to Maui then to the Pacific Northwest. We have conducted extensive checks in the Main Hawaiian Islands and have not located the vessel. They departed with four people on board, the master Donald Lang, one adult Female and her two children.”

“In interviewing the previous owner, she believes Donald would head to the Pacific Northwest, since he is from Canada and had owned a shop/sailboat repair company in Coeur d’Alene, ID. The possibility that he would sail to the NW Hawaiian Islands, Tahiti, Fiji, the Philippines, Panama, Pacific Northwest (USA), and Canada was also discussed.
“We have reached out to the adjacent RCCs to find out if they have any reports of the vessel; we are waiting to hear back from them. Knowing the reach and scope of Latitude 38, it felt prudent to check with you for any information you might be able to assist with locating the S/V Ishi and Donald.”
Anyone with information on the sailing vessel Ishi should contact the JRCC Honolulu at or (808) 535-3333.