On June 11, 2023, South Korean Coast Guard reports SV Genesis has been located in Langkawi, Malaysia. The Coast Guard expressed their gratitude to everyone who helped look for this vessel.
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks
The SAR Division of Korea Coast Guard requests assistance in locating SV Genesis, missing on passage near Malaysia and the Indonesia Sea with a destination of Malaysia Langkawi Port.
SV is a 12.6 meter Bavaria 50, flagged in South Korea with one person on board. Communications on board are: Cellular Phone; VHF Radio; and Satelite Phone.
Last position: May 23rd 14:33(LT) Fix05-47N, 091-41E / navigating 080 7.0kts [Indonesia Sumatra NE 215NM)
Expected position: May 26th 09:00(LT) Fix06-17N, 098-19E[Malaysia 84NM west of Langkawi / Indonesia North of Sumatra.
If you have any information regarding this yacht please get back to us. (+82-32-835-2547) (mcckorea@korea.kr)
We would also appreciate if there can be a search from nearest patrol vessel.
The Malasian Coast Guard and the MPA of Singapore have been notified.