Overdue mariner spotted, rescued off Oahu 7 days after departing Kauaʻi
HONOLULU (KHON2) — The United States Coast Guard said the overdue sailboat operator who departed Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauaʻi on Thursday, Sept. 2, was spotted and rescued 350 miles off Oahu on Thursday, Sept. 9.
USCG officials said Phillip Grenz and his vessel, “Epic,” were spotted by a Navy aircrew 350 miles southeast of Oahu.
Grenz reportedly left Kauaʻi on Sept. 2 to travel to Haleiwa, Oahu. USCG officials sent out the first report of the overdue operator on Saturday, Sept. 4.
According to USCG officials, Grenz was on the deck of his vessel and waved his hands in the air as the Navy aircrew spotted him off Oahu.
Grenz reportedly left Kauaʻi on Sept. 2 to travel to Haleiwa, Oahu. USCG officials sent out the first report of the overdue operator on Saturday, Sept. 4.
According to USCG officials, Grenz was on the deck of his vessel and waved his hands in the air as the Navy aircrew spotted him off Oahu.
Another aircrew from Air Station Barbers Point was deployed and dropped a rescue kit with food, water and a radio to the overdue sailboat operator before he was rescued.
Officials did not give details on how Grenz — described to be approximately 68 years old — managed to survive the 7-day expedition.

Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
The U.S. Coast Guard, Joint Rescue Coordination Center, Hawaii, is currently searching for the overdue 42-foot C&C sailing vessel “Epic” last seen traveling from Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, to Haleiwa, Oahu, Thursday evening, 02 Sep 2021. The distance between these two ports is 72 NM.
The operator of the vessel has been identified as Philip Grenz, approximately 67 years old.
The U.S. Coast Guard, Joint Rescue Coordination Center, Hawaii, is currently searching for the overdue 42-foot C&C sailing vessel “Epic” last seen traveling from Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, to Haleiwa, Oahu, Thursday evening, 02 Sep 2021. The distance between these two ports is 72 NM.
The operator of the vessel has been identified as Philip Grenz, approximately 67 years old.
The public can contact the Coast Guard with any information or sightings at 808-842-2600.
Philip Grenz and the sailing vessel “Epic” are pictured here.