S/V “CATAMARAN 2” Captain Rescued by Cable Ship (CS) DEPENDABLE Using VHF DSC Radio.
Boatwatch.org would like to thank the Master and Crew of the CS Dependable for their professional and kind care of sailor Andrew Baille. Also, the dedicated personnel at RCC Alameda and JRCC Honolulu for their assistance. Family and friends are very grateful.
CS Dependable in route to Hawaii, provided the following information concerning the rescue of Andrew Baille from the 40 foot catamaran, named ‘Catamaran 2’ in the Pacific, approximately 400 miles off Mexico.
Here is an account from the CS Dependable:
“We received his distress signal on our VHF DSC. The CS Dependable, tried hailing him a few times and he answered on the 3rd attempt.
Here is a timeline of the occurrence:
21 MARCH 2021
Just before 0200LT the CS Dependable received a distress call from the 40’ sailing vessel ‘Catamaran 2’ with one person onboard.
I was called to the bridge and we made way to the distress location arriving onsite around 0238LT. It took a bit of time to approach as he needed to keep making way until the last minute as he feared she would break apart if not heading into the waves. We recovered his gear and then the sole individual onboard.
Navigator notified NAVAREA XII of abandoned boat for navigational safety of other vessels.
‘Catamaran 2’ was enroute from San Pedro, CA to Ecuador (Marina Santa Lucia).
He did have a COVID antigen test dated 4 March. Last port was Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where he departed 5 March.
He is currently under quarantine in his room. MDR is checking on him periodically and we are delivering meals to him. He is in good spirits.
Basic Timeline of operation:
0755 UTC / 0155 LT
Valid DSC Distress Broadcast Received via VHF Distress Location: LAT 11-02.5 N LONG 103-04.4 W
Course: 040°T Speed: 3.0 kts
Dependable Position: 10-55.8 N, 102-45.0 W Course: 289°T Speed: 13.4 Kts 40′ sailing vessel “Catamaran 2” (MMSI: 368965330) 1 soul onboard “Andrew” reports vessel is damaged and vessel no longer seaworthy. Requires immediate assistance.
0800 UTC / 0200 LT
Captain on bridge, Dependable found to be only vessel in the area able to render assistance Intercept course plotted. Dependable Position: 11-01.2 N, 102-58.1 W Course: 298°T Speed: 13.2 kts.
Navigation Clock retarded 1 hour to conform with ZD +7 as per Voyage Plan
0930 UTC / 0230 LT
Crew gets pumps up so I can use bow thrusters
0938 UTC / 0238 LT
Arrival Distress Area Pos LAT 11-05.0 N, LONG 103-05.1 W I made approach to give a lee and we tried to coordinate when he could stop making way. Weather was good but we did have a strong current (North Equatorial Current}
1025 UTC / 0325 LT
1 person recovered via Port Gangway in good health. “Catamaran 2” left unmanned and adrift. Appropriate authorities notified of its existence and location.
Position: 11-06.2 N, 103-06.1 W About 400nm SSW of Acapulco, Mexico
1029 UTC / 0329 LT
Departure Distress Area. 11-06.4 N, 103-06.2 W Continuing along original track to Honolulu, Hawaii as per Voyage Plan
11-06.4 N, 103-06.2 W
We were happy to be there and more than happy to take good care of him. Mr. Baillie is in good shape and in good spirits. He has been in contact with his daughter I know. I will check to see what email address he is monitoring. We are getting him time at a computer so he can access email. (Crew names removed from the above account)
JRCC Honolulu has been coordinating with CS Dependable for the arrival of Andrew Baillie in Hawaii. RCC Alameda provided additional assistance.