UPDATE: 1800 UTC 12 DEC 2020
Very good news, Mr David Randolph, father of single handed sailor NICK RANDOLPH received a SPOT message indicating his son is located at 20 00 N / 065 50 W.
All is well on board and we can cancel this Non-Emergency Boat Watch. Glad the SPOT device decided to start working!
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Nets
A Non Emergency Boat Watch has been issued for a single handed sailor, Nick Randolph on SV Pazuzu on a passage from Bermuda to Puerto Rico. SV Pazuzu’s last SPOT Tracker message on 04 DEC 2020 was at position 29 9.1440 N / 065 9 27.3240 W at 2101 EST.
All vessels on the route from Bermuda to Puerto Rico are encouraged to try to contact the S/V PAZUZU over their VHF radio, and report any contact to the USCG Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) Puerto Rico.
Boatwatch.org has been asked to issue a Non-Emergency BOLO (Be On Lookout) for the SV PAZUZU with Captain NICK RANDOLPH, age 36 aboard who may possibly be overdue on a passage from Bermuda to Puerto Rico.
The S/V PAZUZU is a a 1999 Sabre 402 with black or dark grey sails. Nick’s last contact was via SPOT Tracker at position 29 9.1440 N / 065 9 27.3240 W at 2101 EST, 04 DEC 2020. At that time he was 185 NM South of Bermuda on the exact rhumb line to Puerto Rico. There have been no additional SPOT messages since 04 DEC 2020.

There is an EPIRB aboard the S/V PAZUZU, however no life raft. He does have a 10 to 12 foot dinghy with a 10 hp mercury outboard engine.
All vessels on the route from Bermuda to Puerto Rico are encouraged to try to contact the S/V PAZUZU over their VHF radio, and report any contact to the USCG Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) Puerto Rico at telephone number 787-729-2041.