UPDATE: November 28, 2024 – Good News – USCG Sector NC advises that RCC Bermuda confirms, as well as other cruisers, SV Ceol Mor is safe in Bermuda. Thank you to USCG, RCC Bermuda and the cruising community for all the updates and lookouts for this cruiser. Bolo is canceled.
November 25, 2024
USCG reports that the search for SV Ceol Mor has been suspended. Report any sightings to USCG.
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks
USCG Sector North Carolina received a distress call from SV Ceol Mor on passage from Hampton VA to Beaufort NC with one person on board, Mark Caroll. The SV was last heard from on Friday November 22, 2024.
The SV is a 42 foot Totoosh shoop, white with blue trim, light blue hull, white bimini and dodger and a orange Kayak mounted on the starboard side.
Keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and report any sightings to USCG.