Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks 

BOLO for Four Missing MV Tapakesi Breez New Guinea

Four persons are overdue on a passage on August 28, 2024, at 7 AM,  from Kavieng town to Mussau Island. They were last seen at Emirau Island, near Pakena Village. The trip should have taken 6 to 7 hours.

MV Tapakesi Breez is 20 feet with a 20 or 40 HP outboard motor with 8 yellow life jackets and 4 tanks of fuel.

There are four men on board as follows:Skipper Naden Matanusa (50’s), Crew Jackson Jacob (19), Gilimo Saemolu (early 40s) and Teacher Cleland Alomon (mid 50’s).

Keep a sharp lookout, assist if possible and notify local Coast Guard or local authorities of any sightings.