The owner of SV Triple 8 is looking for his 50 foot catamaran, possibly located NNE of great barrier island.
This information is from the owner who has been rescued.
Looking for a lost 50’ catamaran (skipper rescued) possibly still located NNE of great barrier island. Please report any sightings by reply or to NZ Police or maritime radio and PM myself.
Triple 8 is a registered NZ ship NZ2527, the NZ flag and Reg # and NEW ZEALAND are marked on the transom beam facing aft.
Current status – Lost off Poor Knights NZ mid February 2023, awash and drifting S35 E115.
Vessel remains lost, skipper rescued but we would like to recover the boat as it is my fathers home.
13/2/23 @ 3.07am NZDT
Last known AIS beacon signal.
AIS last signal 36°07’20.7″S 175°14’40.6″E
decimal degrees = 36.122417°S 175.244611°14/2/23
The five alerts received from the EPIRB:140719 by MEOSAR, Posn: 35 22.4S 175 12.9E, Accuracy of 15nm
140719 by MEOSAR, Posn: 35 23.5S 175 11.0E, Accuracy of 4nm
140721 by MEOSAR, Posn: 35 23.5S 175 10.6E, Accuracy of 7nm
140734 by MEOSAR, Posn: 35 21.2S 175 07.0E, Accuracy of 5nm (This is the position that was passed to Te Mana). (decimal degrees = 35.350556° S and 175.116667°E)
140741 by LEOSAR, Posn: 35 23.4S 175 08.1E, Probability of 98%
*MEOSAR (Medium-altitude Earth Orbit Search and Rescue) Satellite
*LEOSAR (Low-altitude Earth Orbit Search and Rescue) Satellite21/2/23 or 24/2???
The fishing charter boat sighting
S 35, 02.406 (decimal degrees = 35.146111°)
E 175, 16.050 (decimal degrees = 175.280556°)Please report any sightings to or the NZ maritime police.