BOLO for Overdue SV ZEE DAME Texas to Honduras
UPDATE: Cancel BOLO Boat Watch received this email from the family on December 17, 2024: “Thank you so much for your help!! My dad was able to make contact and he has made it to Guanaja safely!!! He did have some engine trouble and wind working against him which...
Bolo Bermuda SV Wanderer Norfolk Va to Bermuda
UPDATE December 8, 2024 – RCC Norfolk advises that the S/V WANDERER has been located and is safe and still in route to Bermuda with an 8 hour ETA. SV experienced problems with communications. Please cancel the BOLO and thank you for your assistance. Broadcast...
BOLO SV Morningstar Richmond CA to Ensenada Mexico
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks RCC Alameda requests a BOLO and radio calls for SV Morningstar. The SV departed on December 1, 2024, from Richmond California on passage to Ensenada Mexico with two persons on board, Ali and...
Man Overboard Search SV Ocean Breeze Mid Atlantic
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks An active man overboard search has been underway in the mid-Atlantic, since 02:27 UTC this morning, Monday December 2, 2024, for a crew member from the Austrian SV Ocean Breeze, a Volvo 70...
BOLO SV Ceol Mor Hampton VA to Beaufort NC
UPDATE: November 28, 2024 – Good News – USCG Sector NC advises that RCC Bermuda confirms, as well as other cruisers, SV Ceol Mor is safe in Bermuda. Thank you to USCG, RCC Bermuda and the cruising community for all the updates and lookouts for this...BOLO SV Dream Catcher Martinique to St. Maartin Overdue
Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks RCC Martinique requests a lookout and broadcast for SV Dream Catcher on passage from Martinique to St. Maartin.overdue. S/V “DREAM CATCHER” – color white – type Passport...
BOLO for SV Alchemist Maine to Maryland
Cancel BOLO for SV Alchemist. SV has been located safe and sound. Broadcast Version For Maritime Mobile Service Network and Other Networks BOLO for SV Alchemist on passage from Maine to Maryland USA with a stop in Greenport NY The USCG is searching for the 48ft SV...